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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BNG {
public class HandPoser : MonoBehaviour {
public bool ShowGizmos = true;
[Tooltip("Path of the directory where handposes should be stored. Tip : Keep these in a 'Resources' directory so you can use Resources.Load().")]
public string ResourcePath = "Assets/BNG Framework/HandPoser/Poses/Resources/";
public string PoseName = "Default";
[Tooltip("The currently selected hand pose. Change this to automatically update the pose in Update")]
public HandPose CurrentPose;
[Header("Animation Properties")]
[Tooltip("The speed at which to lerp the bones when changing hand poses")]
public float AnimationSpeed = 15f;
[Tooltip("If true the local rotation of each bone will be updated while changing hand poses. This should generally be true if you are adjusting a hand pose.")]
public bool UpdateJointRotations = true;
[Tooltip("If true the local position of each bone will be updated while changing hand poses. Typically this will be false as joints only adjust their rotations.")]
public bool UpdateJointPositions = false;
[Tooltip("If true the local position of the wrist will be updated. Useful if you need to move the entire hand.")]
public bool UpdateWristPosition = true;
// Hand Pose Transform Definitions
public HandPoseDefinition HandPoseJoints {
get {
return GetHandPoseDefinition();
public Transform WristJoint;
public List<Transform> ThumbJoints;
public List<Transform> IndexJoints;
public List<Transform> MiddleJoints;
public List<Transform> RingJoints;
public List<Transform> PinkyJoints;
public List<Transform> OtherJoints;
HandPose previousPose;
bool doSingleAnimation;
// Continuously update pose state
public bool ContinuousUpdate = false;
void Start() {
// Trigger a pose change to start the animation
// This is also run in the editor
void Update() {
// Check for pose change event
// Lerp to Hand Pose
if (ContinuousUpdate || doSingleAnimation) {
public void CheckForPoseChange() {
if (previousPose == null || (CurrentPose != null && previousPose != null && != && CurrentPose != null)) {
previousPose = CurrentPose;
public void OnPoseChanged() {
// Allow pose to change animation
editorAnimationTime = 0;
doSingleAnimation = true;
public FingerJoint GetWristJoint() {
return GetJointFromTransform(WristJoint);
public List<FingerJoint> GetThumbJoints() {
return GetJointsFromTransforms(ThumbJoints);
public List<FingerJoint> GetIndexJoints() {
return GetJointsFromTransforms(IndexJoints);
public List<FingerJoint> GetMiddleJoints() {
return GetJointsFromTransforms(MiddleJoints);
public List<FingerJoint> GetRingJoints() {
return GetJointsFromTransforms(RingJoints);
public List<FingerJoint> GetPinkyJoints() {
return GetJointsFromTransforms(PinkyJoints);
public List<FingerJoint> GetOtherJoints() {
return GetJointsFromTransforms(OtherJoints);
public int GetTotalJointsCount() {
if(ThumbJoints == null || IndexJoints == null) {
return 0;
return ThumbJoints.Count + IndexJoints.Count + MiddleJoints.Count + RingJoints.Count + PinkyJoints.Count + OtherJoints.Count + (WristJoint != null ? 1 : 0);
public Transform GetTip(List<Transform> transforms) {
if(transforms != null) {
return transforms[transforms.Count - 1];
return null;
public Transform GetThumbTip() { return GetTip(ThumbJoints); }
public Transform GetIndexTip() { return GetTip(IndexJoints); }
public Transform GetMiddleTip() { return GetTip(MiddleJoints); }
public Transform GetRingTip() { return GetTip(RingJoints); }
public Transform GetPinkyTip() { return GetTip(PinkyJoints); }
public static Vector3 GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(List<Transform> jointTransforms, float tipRadius) {
if(jointTransforms == null || jointTransforms.Count == 0) {
// Not available
if(jointTransforms[jointTransforms.Count - 1] == null) {
Vector3 tipPosition = jointTransforms[jointTransforms.Count - 1].position;
if(jointTransforms.Count == 1) {
return tipPosition;
return tipPosition + (jointTransforms[jointTransforms.Count - 2].position - tipPosition).normalized * tipRadius;
public virtual List<FingerJoint> GetJointsFromTransforms(List<Transform> jointTransforms) {
List<FingerJoint> joints = new List<FingerJoint>();
// Check for empty joints
if(jointTransforms == null) {
return joints;
// Add any joint information to the list
for (int x = 0; x < jointTransforms.Count; x++) {
if(jointTransforms[x] != null) {
return joints;
public virtual FingerJoint GetJointFromTransform(Transform jointTransform) {
// Null check
if(jointTransform == null) {
return null;
return new FingerJoint() {
TransformName =,
LocalPosition = jointTransform.localPosition,
LocalRotation = jointTransform.localRotation
public virtual void UpdateHandPose(HandPose handPose, bool lerp) {
UpdateHandPose(handPose.Joints, lerp);
public virtual void UpdateHandPose(HandPoseDefinition pose, bool lerp) {
UpdateJoint(pose.WristJoint, WristJoint, lerp, UpdateWristPosition, UpdateJointRotations);
UpdateJoints(pose.ThumbJoints, ThumbJoints, lerp);
UpdateJoints(pose.IndexJoints, IndexJoints, lerp);
UpdateJoints(pose.MiddleJoints, MiddleJoints, lerp);
UpdateJoints(pose.RingJoints, RingJoints, lerp);
UpdateJoints(pose.PinkyJoints, PinkyJoints, lerp);
UpdateJoints(pose.OtherJoints, OtherJoints, lerp);
public virtual void UpdateJoint(FingerJoint fromJoint, Transform toTransform, bool doLerp, bool updatePosition, bool updateRotation) {
UpdateJoint(fromJoint, toTransform, doLerp ? Time.deltaTime * AnimationSpeed : 1, updatePosition, updateRotation);
public virtual void UpdateJoint(FingerJoint fromJoint, Transform toTransform, float lerpAmount, bool updatePosition, bool updateRotation) {
// Invalid joint
if (fromJoint == null || toTransform == null) {
// Lerp
if (lerpAmount != 1) {
if(updatePosition) {
toTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(toTransform.localPosition, fromJoint.LocalPosition, lerpAmount);
if(UpdateJointRotations) {
toTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(toTransform.localRotation, fromJoint.LocalRotation, lerpAmount);
// Instantaneous can directly set the local position and rotation
else {
if (UpdateJointPositions) {
toTransform.localPosition = fromJoint.LocalPosition;
if (UpdateJointRotations) {
toTransform.localRotation = fromJoint.LocalRotation;
public virtual void UpdateJoints(List<FingerJoint> joints, List<Transform> toTransforms, bool doLerp) {
UpdateJoints(joints, toTransforms, doLerp ? Time.deltaTime * AnimationSpeed : 1);
public virtual void UpdateJoints(List<FingerJoint> joints, List<Transform> toTransforms, float lerpAmount) {
// Sanity check
if (joints == null || toTransforms == null) {
// Cache the count of our lists
int jointCount = joints.Count;
int transformsCount = toTransforms.Count;
// If our joint counts don't add up, then make sure the names match before applying any changes
// Otherwise there is a good chance the wwrong transforms are being updated
bool verifyTransformName = jointCount != transformsCount;
for (int x = 0; x < jointCount; x++) {
// Make sure the indexes match
if (x < toTransforms.Count) {
// Joint may have not been assigned or destroyed
if (joints[x] == null || toTransforms[x] == null) {
if (verifyTransformName && joints[x].TransformName == toTransforms[x].name) {
UpdateJoint(joints[x], toTransforms[x], lerpAmount, UpdateJointPositions, UpdateJointRotations);
else if (verifyTransformName == false) {
UpdateJoint(joints[x], toTransforms[x], lerpAmount, UpdateJointPositions, UpdateJointRotations);
public virtual HandPoseDefinition GetHandPoseDefinition() {
return new HandPoseDefinition() {
WristJoint = GetWristJoint(),
ThumbJoints = GetThumbJoints(),
IndexJoints = GetIndexJoints(),
MiddleJoints = GetMiddleJoints(),
RingJoints = GetRingJoints(),
PinkyJoints = GetPinkyJoints(),
OtherJoints = GetOtherJoints()
/// <summary>
/// Saves the current hand configuration as a Unity Scriptable object
/// Pose will be saved to the provided 'HandPosePath' (Typically within in a Resources folder)
/// *Scriptable Objects can only be saved from within the UnityEditor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="poseName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual void SavePoseAsScriptablObject(string poseName) {
string fileName = poseName + ".asset";
var poseObject = GetHandPoseScriptableObject();
// Creates the file in the folder path
//string fullPath = Application.dataPath + directory + fileName;
string fullPath = ResourcePath + fileName;
bool exists = System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath);
// Delete if asset already exists
if (exists) {
UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(poseObject, fullPath);
if (exists) {
Debug.Log("Updated Hand Pose : " + poseName);
else {
Debug.Log("Created new Hand Pose : " + poseName);
Debug.Log("Scriptable Objects can only be saved from within the Unity Editor. Consider storing in another format like JSON instead.");
/// <summary>
/// Will create an original handpose with the specified PoseName. If the provided poseName is already taken, a number will be added to the name until a unique name is found.
/// For example, if you provide the PoseName of "Default" and there are already two poses named "Default" and "Default 1", then a new pose named "Default 2" will be created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="poseName"></param>
public virtual void CreateUniquePose(string poseName) {
// Don't allow empty pose names
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(poseName)) {
poseName = "Pose";
string formattedPoseName = poseName;
string fullPath = ResourcePath + formattedPoseName + ".asset";
bool exists = System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath);
int checkCount = 0;
// Find a path that doesn't exist
while(exists) {
// Ex : "path/Pose 5.asset"
formattedPoseName = poseName + " " + checkCount;
exists = System.IO.File.Exists(ResourcePath + formattedPoseName + ".asset");
// Save the new pose
public virtual HandPose GetHandPoseScriptableObject() {
var poseObject = UnityEditor.Editor.CreateInstance<HandPose>();
poseObject.PoseName = PoseName;
poseObject.Joints = new HandPoseDefinition();
poseObject.Joints.WristJoint = GetWristJoint();
poseObject.Joints.ThumbJoints = GetThumbJoints();
poseObject.Joints.IndexJoints = GetIndexJoints();
poseObject.Joints.MiddleJoints = GetMiddleJoints();
poseObject.Joints.RingJoints = GetRingJoints();
poseObject.Joints.PinkyJoints = GetPinkyJoints();
poseObject.Joints.OtherJoints = GetOtherJoints();
return poseObject;
return null;
// How long to check for animations while in the editor mode
float editorAnimationTime = 0f;
float maxEditorAnimationTime = 2f;
public virtual void DoPoseUpdate() {
if (CurrentPose != null) {
UpdateHandPose(CurrentPose.Joints, true);
// Are we done requesting a single animation?
if (doSingleAnimation) {
editorAnimationTime += Time.deltaTime;
// Reset
if (editorAnimationTime >= maxEditorAnimationTime) {
editorAnimationTime = 0;
doSingleAnimation = false;
public virtual void ResetEditorHandles() {
EditorHandle[] handles = GetComponentsInChildren<EditorHandle>();
for (int x = 0; x < handles.Length; x++) {
if(handles[x] != null && handles[x].gameObject != null) {
void OnDrawGizmos() {
// Update every frame even while in editor
if (!Application.isPlaying) {